The Benefits of Foreign Language Exposure for Infants
As babies are continuously growing and learning, we believe that families can adapt and grow together while learning a new language!

The Best Age to Learn a New Language
Learning a foreign language can sound daunting and difficult but understanding the best time in life to start learning may make all of the d

Chimmy 5in1 Children's Language Learning Books
Kids Love Chimmy as he teaches basic words in 5 different languages. These very popular children’s books are featured at both Amazon and...

Can Children Learn Multiple Languages in Preschool?
Can Preschool Children Be Taught a Second Language? By Jeanette Vos Ed.D. For years it has been thought that teaching a foreign language...

Multiple Languages in Preschool
Multiple Languages in Preschool by Carla Snuggs Teaching Foreign Languages to Children Should Begin Early The importance of teaching...